stefano´s blog

Welcome to my blog. I did this blog in Nr.Hide class and you are all welcome, and I hope you like it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

A Very Cool Experience

At the beginning I thought that this idea of making a blog will be boring. Now I know that I was totally wrong, and my expectations are totally different. I think is not hard maintaining a web log, It’s even fun and that makes it easier. I feel very good about having my own blog, because this is the first time I had an own blog and I think this has been a cool and good experience to express your ideas through out the world.

Since the beginning my feelings have a lot. Know I like to have my blog in good conditions. That means that I correct my errors like capitalization and punctuation to have an excellent blog with an excellent spelling. One of the things that I have most like about blogger, is that we can put links pictures and thing like that makes your blog look fun and nice.

One of the things that have surprised me more about blogger, is that I never thought that this idea of making an own blog would be so fun and also interesting. I have learned many important things about blogger, like how to express my ideas, how to write essays and also I have learned that you never put your whole last name in a web page.


  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Julian said…

    Stefano nice words and expresions on your blog.
    you have alot of post that are nice and cool.

  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger Suadi..... said…

    Hi Stefano whats up! i think you have a very good post. i agree with you in many things. keep it up!


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